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Stereopony Song of the Week, Week 28


The song “OVER DRIVE” first appeared in the single of the same name.

This song is a song filled with the feeling of getting to know yourself and to forge forward with that little push. The opening verse has the feeling of being swept by the wind, feeling it fill you and then give you a set of wings. It’s that moment in life when you can take a step back and then push forth towards your dream.

The world could be against what we want to be, that could be as simple as being ourselves, but if we continue to believe in the dream and work towards it, nothing can stop us. There are a lot of things that at times don’t fit or along the way, we discover new goals. We will chase after them because, right now we’re on an overdrive to do what we want! The line “鏡 の中もう一人のボクがまだやれるよ” ie. Inside the mirror there’s another me that’s got the spur to go on. When we feel like we have no one beside us, we can simply look in the mirror and see crystal clear that it’s not just us but the person in the mirror is also chasing after dreams and is here to help us. There’s that streak of light and hope in our lives because being on over drive, we have the strength to gain what we need and what we want without being taken down by the things that we can’t have or the things that hurt us.

Though there are a lot of bad things, having our friends or loved ones around, makes it all the much better. Sharing our pain and our tears only makes us stronger in the long run.

The song starts of with the feeling of an ambient windy day and the feeling of light shining down. With AIMI’s voice like a windy breath, this song has both the soft spots and the strength to carry us to the future. In her easy-going style of singing and the fluid music, the MV has a section where she sings accapella and you can see that just humming along with this song raises our spirit. The simplicity of the tune and the deep lyrics make for a great listening experience.

So enjoy the twenty-seventh Stereopony Song Of The Week as you go on an OVER DRIVE!!!


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