Sunday, April 28, 2024
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Stereopony Song of the Week, Week 2

Cool Gangster

“Oshare Banchou 2011” is a song from Stereopony’s new album More! More!! More!!! that is a version of ORANGE RANGE’s song of the same name, “Oshare Banchou.” A very punky dance feel to it and AIMI’s vocals have added to the song, making it even better than the original!

Oshare Banchou means “Fancy Gangster.” So it’s a song about the things a gangster dude does. The opening line is him falling in love with an angel on the street and the song takes off from there at tangents. This person is so cool that even the cops hesitate before him. Everyone is in awe of him and he sets blogs on fire. He seems to be on a roll and in no hurry to stop. Even though he’s cool, he’s a child no matter what. The metaphors and references to the drugs, sex, and loud street life are very colloquial and add to the theme. A very boisterous, street, and in your face song that’s got a very gangster feel. The tune is very easy to hum and becomes an ear-wig real soon.

The effect of the original song’s NAOTO-san’s voice in opposition to AIMI’s sharp voice brings out a very programmed, dance feel. The bass and drum work on this song is very upbeat.

So, play this song, VGD’s second Stereopony Song of the Week at all your parties and dance the night away because the cool gangster is here to stay!!


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