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Draft King 3rd Anniversary.

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1/19 is Draft King’s Anniversary Day!

3 years ago today, was the day of the live that officially began Draft King’s activities.

It’s only been 3 years, but it’s already been 3 year.

Even though we made it this far, various things happened.

There were also days I thought that its not good anymore.

I’m sure there will be many more challenges.

But, overcoming them is something only these members can do.

Draft King is only getting started!!!

Thank you to everyone who has always supported us.

Let’s all walk together on this Draft King story from here on out ok?!

Yesterday night, we had a small party at NOHANA house.

“There’s not enough sake!”
SHIHO-san said that and emptied all the wine in my house, and we all drank together.

Just one person having a glass is a bit funny though. Lol

Each of us eating the things we wanted to eat, it was a far too individualistic & free party. Lol

I wanted to eat taco rice so I started cutting tomatoes and SHIHO-san got mad at me, saying I was terrible at cutting tomatoes.
Afterwards, the kitchen knife wasn’t cutting enough so I sharpened it.

Please take care of this Draft King from now on too!


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