Sunday, April 28, 2024
Home » Blogs » Transmitting.


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Since it is such a convenient world with the net and social-networking sites,
I’m doing various of them.

This blog is one of them.

I’m not particularly good at writing long but,
the things I thought, the things I felt,
various pictures,
This and that day, I want to firmly record them.

And since it’s a blog I’m happy being able to make long comments.
In the past I’ve wanted to respond to comments too but, there is some kind of phenomenon where they disappear so thank you for your understanding.


I am truthfully transmitting. Lol
It’s great to be linked to so many people this casually.
Please reply as many times as you want.


I’m secretly doing this. Lol
Sometimes there are pictures I don’t upload to Twitter of the blog.
When I want to act fashionable, I do it on Instagram! Lol


I am also doing this secretly. Lol
It’s an application where you can post your “coordination”. (fashion-wise)
Being fashionable is an endless challenge

I’m doing a few of them with that feeling,
take a look if you like.

It’s a pain to look at all of them but
if it makes someone want to come see me or Draft King then that’ll make me happy.

Because I don’t talk much at lives
It’s good that I’m able to send out various things through these places.

And things II cant transmit through these places, I want to do so through lives and CDs!!!!!!!!!!


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