Sunday, April 28, 2024
Home » Blogs » Lately.


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The blog has been stopped for three days.

Something has been scampering and spinning around.


On the 10th I went to the FLiP Shibuya AX one-man live and got some motivation!
They were so cool you wouldn’t think they were a girls’ band! Great!

Yesterday, the 12th, I went to Gunjou Frau’s live at Shimokitazawa MOSAIC.
They stopped activities but, I am still expecting to see everyone’s cool figures!

It’s a bit late but, I gave a birthday present to Ari-ppe.
gonoturn’s eva mask!

With my Kuma-mon mask, it makes the terrifying series.
I want to wear it casually and draw everyone’s attention! Lol

And, a picture of us looking like we are having a interview at Bokura no Ongaku (our music)

It was just us two talking but it had the atmosphere of an interview. Lol

Next time, me and Ari-ppe agreed that we should do a Twit Cast together so look forward to that♪♪ Lol

After, we had a meeting at a Brazilian restaurant but,
The Samba music was loud, so it ended up not being a meeting at all…

From that time.

Since there are a lot of Draft King lives,

*LIVE Information Summary*

11/15(Friday) Shibuya eggman
11/16(Saturday)ESP Music Academy
11/21(Thursday)Shibuya O-WEST
11/29(Friday)Shinsaibashi CLAPPER
11/30(Saturday)Nagoya RAD HALL

12/6(Friday)Roppongi morph-tokyo

It’s decided!
Come at these times so we can meet!

Make sure to check various things
Like the details and reservations. Lol

Draft King official site

Draft King official twitter

Draft King official Facebook

See you there.

Since its cold make sure not to catch a cold!

| Translation by CrimsonKnight4 |


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