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Stereopony Song of the Week, Week 32


The song STAND BY ME first appeared in the Stereopony’s single by the same name.

A song about one’s struggle to reach your dreams even when you are weak and rebellious. The sound of a beating heart is a sign that the fight to survive, the fight to finding a haven is still burning bright. It can be very discomforting to live with a heart that goes unheard. Despite the wind blowing harshly, with closed eyes, just going ahead step by step is all we can do. Even with memories that make us cry, we silently promise ourselves.

It’s the song of a pack of birds in flight~even though each of them can perhaps not fly all that well. Just concentrating on the flying, in concentric circles, following a hand, a direction that guides you to the way ahead.

When strong emotions hit, they overlap and overpower everything else in our mind. They tie us down and without noticing, time and people pass ahead of us. Even though losing sight of the person you hold dear is scary, it’s with that need to find that person that can guide us to our own freedom. Trying to protect each other, we try our best to be there for each other. Without following the flow of the crowd, we’re headed to a place that we can call our own. Discovering what Loneliness means, will alone help us believe that somewhere we are connected to the people we hold close.

Just like always, I’ll be there by your side, giving you back the warmth you’ve give me. Even though my words like “I’ll never let you go” may disappear into the light, I will always without any hesitation, come chasing after you.

The lyrics of this song are written by NOHANA and the music is by AIMI. The whole metaphor is of humans as a flock of birds where a few are not so good as the rest. The deep tones in the song pull out the beautiful fears that we all have but always believing that there’s that interconnection between people beyond all barriers and even time. The music is a great build up and Aimi’s soulfully rebellious vocals lend this song the depth the words posses.

So enjoy this week’s Stereopony Song Of The Week, Stand By Me as we celebrate KITAJIMA NOHANA’s Birthday! Wishing you a wonderful and successful year ahead!!


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