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What about me?

So Arc may have gotten us our first interview with Stereopony, Elsuke might be our resident photographer of cosplayers and is currently building a massive Gundam Army with which to take over the world, and crimsonknight might have been inspired by Stereopony to learn Japanese and eventually join us, and dereko, in addition to telling me what bands to check out, is off promoting Stereopony and us, but it seems our fearless leader left someone out, and since he also put out a call to all of VGD’s writers, here I am.

But what have I done? I may not carry a press pass to anime cons like Arc, RS, and Elsuke, and I certainly did not get Stereopony’s logo tattooed on my arm as Drahc did. And due to a job in retail, I was sadly not able to travel to Japan with many of our staff and members to see Stereopony’s last live. But I do count myself lucky that I was able to see Stereopony not once, but twice, and get not one, but two CD’s signed by them.

My journey to VGD started with the simple but complicated decision to pick an anime series, and then proceed to download every single opening theme I could. Amongst them were “Hitohira no Hanabira” from Bleach and “Namida no Mukou” from Gundam 00. This method was also how I found out about a couple girls that attended a song and dance school called Caless and named themselves after what someone had written on their door, who at the time I thought was a girl GROUP, as in four girls who stand there and sing while OTHER people play instruments BEHIND them as opposed to a girl BAND where they actually PLAYED the instruments, which was much cooler and apparently are still good friends with Stereopony and about four or five other bands that I listen to now.

Being that the most convienient anime con to me happens to be within range of a commuter train, I nearly died when the announcement was made on their website that this band called Stereopony, who I knew of because I had listened to their anime songs, watched their music videos, and being unable to download songs other than the ones from anime, I had gone on YesAsia and purchased both of their albums at the time. So off to Anime Boston I went, staying only one day to catch their concert and then back home the following day, secretly hoping that I would get to meet the band.

Lo and behold, as I wander the convention center, I see an announcement that Stereopony is signing autographs! I find the line. Then I’m the last one to be allowed in. I have a memorable experience meeting the band which is in my introduction to VGD archived somewhere if anyone wants to go hunt it down on the old old forum. Then I get to see the band live, and then, I was hooked from then on.

Shortly after my trip to AnimeBoston, I find out about Very Good Days. I introduce myself, disappear for two or three months, something, I’m not even sure now what, made me return, and worked my way up from lowly member to advisory council to moderator to now global moderator, watching over the Music Discussion forum with dereko and updating the biography pages in the Draft King, Hiddy, and Aimi sections with information that will eventually find itself on the Very Good Days Wikia.

I also, along with wannasalad, write the LookBack portion of the single and album reviews of all of Stereopony’s releases, which at some point in the future will cover all of Stereopony’s releases from “Hitohira no Hanabira” to “Just Rock With Me.” After which I’ll be back sifting through interviews for facts about Stereopony that I hopefully haven’t read three times before, FINALLY upload full annotated biographies to the Wikia, and be able to cross something off that to-list of Roles and Responsibilities that keeps asking me when I’m going to finish it.

Maybe I could put Ace Combat Infinity on hold, or my goal to make it all the way back to Zyuranger before I work my way forward from Gokaiger, and be more visible in the forum and/or in chat than “Destonus edited this on XX/XX/XX at XX:XX am/pm” or post somewhere OTHER than Music Discussion. I wish that VGD was my full time job, but sadly it isn’t.

So what about me, then? I may not be one of Very Good Days’ founding members, I may not have been here as long as some members or staff but I have been around long enough to remember the old site on Zetaboards; I may have not had as active a role in making ourselves known to Stereopony and Draft King; I highly doubt Shiho remembers the hoshi she drew because she wrote the wrong name at first on the jacket of my copy of “Chiisana Mahou”, or even associates me as a member of “that group that follows us to all our appearances”.

But I do. I suppose that’s what is important. My star may still be rising, but soon it will shine as brightly as the rest.


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